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The Works of John Calvin

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John Calvin (1509-1564)- He was born at Noyon, July 10th, 1509, his father, Gerard Chauvin, being a notary. He was from the first educated for the Church, and before he was twelve years old was presented to a benefice in the Cathedral of Noyon. Six years after this he was appointed to a cure of souls at Montiille, and thus, although not yet twenty, and not even in the minor orders, he was enjoying the title and revenues of a cure. His father now changed his mind as to the destination of his son, and desired him to turn his attention to the law as the road to wealth. This change was not unacceptable to Calvin, who, from his perusal of the Scripturess — a copy of which was furnished him by Robert Olivetan, who was his fellowscholar at Paris, and likewise a native of Nyovn — had already been convinced of many of the errors of the KRonish Church. He accordingly repaired to Olleans, where he studied under Peter Stella, and then to Bruges, where Andrew Alciat filled tie chair of law, and where also AMelchior Wolnar; the l’eforil;er, taught him Greek. Here Calvin was confirmed in the doctrines of the Reformation, and began indeed to preach them in the villages........

For a full account of Calvin's life, influence and teachings; download the books below:

Calvin & His Enemies by Rev Thomas Smith

The Life of Calvin by Theodore of Beza

John Calvin: His Life, Teachings, & His Influence by William Wileman or here

Calvin's Commentaries and Books:

1. Calvin Commentaries by Joseph Haroutunian

26. Commentary on Ezekiel - Volume 1

2. On the Christian Life

27. Commentary on Ezekiel - Volume 2

3. The Institutes of the Christian Religion

28. Commentary on Daniel - Volume 1

4. Of Prayer - A Perpetual Exercise of Faith

29. Commentary on Daniel - Volume 2

5. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1

30. Commentary on Hosea

6. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2

31. Commentary on Joel, Amos, Obadiah

7. Harmony of the Law - Volume 1

32. Commentary on Jonah, Micah, Nahum

8. Harmony of the Law - Volume 2

33. Commentary on Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai

9. Harmony of the Law - Volume 3

34. Commentary on Zechariah, Malachi

10. Harmony of the Law - Volume 4

35. Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 1

11. Commentary on Joshua

36. Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2

12. Commentary on Psalms - Volume 1

37. Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 3

13. Commentary on Psalms - Volume 2

38. Commentary on John - Volume 1

14. Commentary on Psalms - Volume 3

39. Commentary on John - Volume 2

15. Commentary on Psalms - Volume 4

40. Commentary on Acts - Volume 1

16. Commentary on Psalms - Volume 5

41. Commentary on Acts - Volume 2

17. Commentary on Isaiah - Volume 1

42. Commentary on Romans

18. Commentary on Isaiah - Volume 2

43. Commentary on Corinthians - Volume 1

19. Commentary on Isaiah - Volume 3

44. Commentary on Corinthians - Volume 2

20. Commentary on Isaiah - Volume 4

45. Commentary on Galatians and Ephesians

21. Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 1

46. Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians

22. Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 2

47. Commentary on Timothy, Titus, Philemon

23. Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 3

48. Commentary on Hebrews

24. Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 4

49. Commentaries on the Catholic Epistles

25. Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 5

Or If you prefer the Ages Version in Pdf here is Calvin's Commen..again (left to right)


Harmony of the Law-Vol 1

Harmony of the Law-Vol 2

Harmony of the Law-Vol 3

Harmony of the Law-Vol 4


Psalms Vol 1 1-78

Psalms Vol 2 79-150

Isaiah Vol 1 1-37

Isaiah Vol 2 38-66

Jeremiah Vol 1 1-24

Jeremiah Vol 2 25-52
















Matthew, Mark, Luke Vol 1

Matthew, Mark, Luke Vol 2

Matthew, Mark, Luke Vol 3




1 Corinthians

2 Corinthians





1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

1 Timothy

2 Timothy





1 Peter

2 Peter

1 John



Institutes of the Christian Religion Vol. 1-4 by Henry Beveridge

Institutes of the Christian Religion Vol 1 translated by Ford Lewis Battles

Institutes of the Religion Vol 2 translated by Ford lewis Battles

Institutes of the Christian Religion Vol 3 translated by Ford Lewis Battles

Institutes of the Christian Religion Vol 4 translated by Ford Lewis Battles

General Writings

Treatise on relics

Secret Providence of God

Commentary on Seneca's De Clementia

Of Christian Liberty

Selected Works of John Calvin Vol 1 Tracts Pt 1

Selected Works of John Calvin Vol 2 Tracts Pt 2

Selected Works of John Calvin Vol 3 Tracts Pt 3

Selected Works of John Calvin Vol 4 Letters 1528-1545

Selected Works of John Calvin Vol 5 Letters 1545-1553

Selected Works of John Calvin Vol 6 Letters 1554-1558

Selected Works of John Calvin Vol 7 Letters 1559-1564


Thirty-Six Various Sermons

Sermons Election and Reprobation (Genesis)

Sermons on Psalm 119

Sermons on the Deity of Christ

Sermons on Galatians

Articles on John Calvin

Calvin's Doctrine of Christian Liberty by William L. Hiemstra

Did Calvin believe in Freewill by A. N. S. Lane

John Calvin's Geneva by W. J. Grier

A Short Life of John Calvin

John Calvin—Erudite EduCator by James Edward McGoldrick

John Calvin's Ideas by Paul Helm

Calvin On Free Will

John Calvin as Pastor by Shawn D. Wright

Disclaimer: The first set of commentaries were in my possession for years. The place were I got them has shut down. After searching the net and finding them, I realized that they had been put out by Christian Classics Ethereal Library. I also figured out the copyright page had been taken out by whoever had them. They had also changed the format from XSL to standard Pdf. Finally, I searched and found out that they were in the public domain. So all I did was add a copyright page back to them. Copyright (Public Domain).